Friday, May 1, 2009

Reverse Discrimination costs NY taxpayers $300,000

Another government screw up costs taxpayers $300,000. What is wrong with these idiots. Gov Paterson discriminating against a white person in favor of a black person. Surprise!

Why do we label discrimination against a white person as reverse discrimination. I didn't know the definition of discrimination included a color with it. Discrimination is discrimination. It is simple. Why wasn't Mr. Paterson fired. He would require that of a republican.

In the article itself Gov Paterson's spokesperson said his statement was meant as a joke, but Gov Paterson later said there was no discrimination when he told his white cameraman that he was being let go because they wanted a black photographer.

How are these people our leaders? Even a blind black man (Gov P) doesn't like white people. Something is wrong with that culture.

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