Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More Political Corruption

We haven't seen republican corruption for a while, but democratic corruption is flowing like water.

Link 1. Governor of Missouri- Jeremiah Nixon covered up Dangerous levels of Ecoli in the large Lake of the Ozarks to protect himself and a friend who built condos with out proper sewage treatment before draining to the lake.

Link 2. Massive Voter Fraud By ACORN in New York in which the votes were cast and counted.

Link 3. Norman Hsu: major democratic supporter, contributer and fundraiser convicted of a major Ponzi scheme. He gave and raised $800,000 for Hillary Clinton's campaign. He was sentenced to more than 24 years in prison Tuesday by a judge who accused him of funding his fraud with a "conniving use of the political process."

Thursday, September 24, 2009

TARP inspector to say transparency 'attitude' on bailout frustrating

Big surprise that Pres. Obama's promise of government transparency was also a lie. No one knows where and how taxpayer money is being used for, but we know it is doing incredible things. Link

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Peter Schiff on the direction of the dollar

This video is very enlightening about the devaluing of the dollar. The effects of devaluing the dollar may send us to price fixing and then bread lines. We are creating more government while having less people providing money to fund the government. Government can not create wealth, they only take others wealth and redistributes it to meet their own political needs.

Political needs being the NEA providing taxpayer money to art groups that push Pres. Obama's agenda. Which is against the law, but all the President has to say is, whoops we'll watch that next time. It was the White House who organized it.

The time for a revolution of ideas is here. video

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama sells our security for a Putin-GE/NBC deal

No wonder why things just don't add up when watching all things NBC. They've got Obama in their pocket and Russia's Putin now has both Obama and GE in bed. Unfortunately, once they fall asleep, Putin will have no problem slitting our throats.

Click Here

Pike throws the Red Cross under the ACORN Bus

Drummond Pike lashes out against Fox News about the attention they gave to ACORN's corruption. Drummond Pike helped hide the embezzlement of nearly $1 million by the brother of ACORN’s founder. He ordered the media to “keep your yaps shut.” Pike says, "I wonder how many nonprofit organizations — even big, well-heeled ones like the Nature Conservancy or the Red Cross — could withstand the kind of media assault and unscrupulous tactics deployed by Fox? I doubt many could."
I have always thought that the Red Cross provides a good service to the world. However, I am now curious what corruption does hide in the grips of the Red Cross. I have volunteered for the Red Cross during a hurricane and can't say that they are really that organized, but they did a good job.

I do believe that corruption would be easy to find in the evironmental agencies. They stand to make a lot of money for creating a crisis and accepting bribes to keep quiet. That's what ACORN did. Give us money or we'll protest and shut you down.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Follow the story of ACORN criminal uncovering

Brought to us by undercover investigative journalist James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles. Posted on

9/17/2009 BigGovernment.com has obtained the full text of the “Defund ACORN” amendment, which passed the House this afternoon by an overwhelming margin of 345-75. The House vote comes just days after the Senate voted 83-7 to block ACORN from receiving federal housing grants. With these votes, 80% of the members of Congress have weighed in to block ACORN from receiving any more taxpayer dollars.

It makes me happy that there is an ounce of decency in the House and Senate still. This bill to block more money going to a corrupt organization like ACORN is great. They have taken billions and used it to help elect liberals through out the country. Their biggest accomplishment is Barack Obama. ACORN said to the undercover journalists that if a politician was liberal they would receive help in illegal activities. So sad for the liberals around the country. Corruption in our government is huge. It is most blatant around the current president. Not because he is black, but because he surrounded himself with criminal minds seeking more power. ACORN is set to receive $8.5 Billion from the stimulus bill, which they helped write.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The different types of government explained.

This simple video explains the different types of government

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ted Kennedy wrote a letter to the Soviet Communist Leader...

telling him that he will neutralize Reagan's foreign policy to assist the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

A link to the letter.

Democrat Rangel-Tax Cheat. In charge of Tax Code.

Rangel is outed by another Democratic Congressman, Peter Welch. Peter Welch received $20,000 from Rangel. Welch is one of the 5 investigating Rangel's tax cheating. Rangel didn't claim over a million dollars and now has bribed 3 of the 5 on the ethics committee charged to investigate him. Kick this jack to the curb.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The British kill their elderly. What a great system.

They die with dignity this way. A panel looks at them and says I bet this person is going to die. Then they stop health care for them immediately and start pumping in sedatives until they die. Doctors have started speaking out about the practice of killing the elderly, saying that it is not an exact science and mistakes are made, maybe more often then not.

I know the british are proud of everything they do, but come on. Stop bragging about your backwards health care system.

Van Jones calls Republicans Ass Holes...

and said it is time for democrats to get ugly. This was his response to the question, why were Republicans able to get laws passed through the senate, but democrats aren't.

The correct answer is, the democrats voted with Republicans because the bills weren't designed to take away freedom, bankrupt the country and rape the whites while giving our jobs only to those blacks who have been in prison. Sorry, Van Jones, You keep racism alive, as well as the reason to be skeptical of your intelligence and your intentions.

That is why democrats in the house and senate don't want to be blamed for pushing your laws through. If you were honest, you would have said, "our agenda is very extreme and many of my own party don't want to be associated with it. We'll find a way to shove it through though. Don't you worry."

Click here for 4 crazy Van Jones Videos.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hitler's Youth Idea seems good to Obama

President Obama wishes to speak with Pre K-6th graders. That seems creepy to me. Is he going to ask them to tell their teachers if their parents oppose his ideas. A comment left after this article put it well.

"This episode is brought to you by Adolph Hitler who said the following: "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." "What good fortune for governments that the people do not think." "The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force." "I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few." Source: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/adolf_hitler.html"

9/24/2009--New video showing elementary school kids reciting Obama praise song. Hitler's Youth.