Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pike throws the Red Cross under the ACORN Bus

Drummond Pike lashes out against Fox News about the attention they gave to ACORN's corruption. Drummond Pike helped hide the embezzlement of nearly $1 million by the brother of ACORN’s founder. He ordered the media to “keep your yaps shut.” Pike says, "I wonder how many nonprofit organizations — even big, well-heeled ones like the Nature Conservancy or the Red Cross — could withstand the kind of media assault and unscrupulous tactics deployed by Fox? I doubt many could."
I have always thought that the Red Cross provides a good service to the world. However, I am now curious what corruption does hide in the grips of the Red Cross. I have volunteered for the Red Cross during a hurricane and can't say that they are really that organized, but they did a good job.

I do believe that corruption would be easy to find in the evironmental agencies. They stand to make a lot of money for creating a crisis and accepting bribes to keep quiet. That's what ACORN did. Give us money or we'll protest and shut you down.

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