Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Overwhelmingly White Media Criticize Conservative Rallies as 'Overwhelmingly White'

This is a nice perspective to put the hypocrites back into place. I think it is unfortunate that more black people don't share the same values as conservatives. I think it us also unfortunate that the culture of black people don't put a lot of emphasis on education. It is also hard to have equal numbers of color in professional jobs if the minorities don't meet the equal requirements of qualifications. The liberal media tells their black audience that Glenn Beck people are racist. Democrats who a majority of black people associate with tell them that Conservatives are racist. What do they expect.

What mattered to me is that I listened to the black and white speakers at Glenn Beck's rally and they hold the same values as I do regardless of color. It was yet another example of how Glenn Beck has made me feel connected to any race. It has always been values that connected me to others.

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