Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Glenn Beck on Van Jones-Video

Day 1-Green Jobs Czar Van Jones-Admitted Communist, Member of the black panthers. Meet another one of Barack's friends.
His idea is to take our money with taxes and then to give it to murderers and druggies that have been released from prisons. How about keeping your hands in your own pockets. It never gets old, the idea of taking someone elses' money and then mismanaging it so well that it ends up in the hands of your friends. So if I break the law, go to jail, get released before I've even thought about what I did wrong, I could end up with a sweet job. The incentive for me is there. I'll be a criminal and get an overpaid job set up by the government. Do you become a supervisor by having killed more people. The government taking away my money to give to a group of thugs leaves the thugs in the worthless situation of being worthless. But at least they'll vote for a communist. Right...That's what we all want.

How about you tell the black race that if they pay attention in school and live the teachings they are taught at their christian church, then they can aspire to have a good job. Why do I get punished for the black community being incapable of doing anything honest. Stop shooting each other. Stop smoking crack. Stop getting pregnant at 9 years old. Father's learn to teach your kids values. The only reason African American's are a problem still, is they choose to be. The choice is yours. I feel less connected to black people now than I have ever felt before. Thank you Barack.

Yet the encounters I have with black people are typically in the work place and I look at them as though they are colorless. What I feel uncomfortable about is those black's I knew from Florida and Georgia where I would go to their homes. I was not afraid of them most of the time. It was a new experience to see groups of blacks in the middle of the day drunk and drugged up bragging about welfare. To see what taxpayer money did for these useless people was an eye opener. Living in government apartments, or homes (projects). Taxpayer money wasn't doing them any good. Just a wet bandaid left on a decaying wound.

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