Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obama: "Basic Standard Of Decency" Allows Illegals To Be Treated

Didn't Obama just say that Illegals would not be covered under the plan and republicans who would say they were, are just trying to kill the health bill. Someone should report that to the misinformation website that Barack set up. I wish those libs would stop lying. Tell us up front the crazy things you want to do with our money so then we can tell you exactly how we feel.

Link to video

In another article titled:

Obama: GOP conspiracy out to kill health reform

How can we have a conspiracy to shut down health care reform if we don't even know what the plan is going to do to us. If anything, there is a conspiracy to find out what the bill says. When is it going to bankrupt us? Who is using their power to scare the american people? Calling republicans crazy conspirators, because they think you are doing something unethical and unconstitutional. You are good at making up stories you confessed coke smoking liar of a president.

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