Thursday, February 5, 2009

If you don't approve this $900B bill, you will all suffer and eventually get STDs(maybe, who knows)

Some things should make us all say, "WAIT A MINUTE"!
In follow up to the last post made by Erin, this article which came out today, contradicts traditional wisdom. If you do not pass this bill and allow us to spend near $1 Trillion on our friends and their pet projects, the economy will surely not recover and you may possibly die of hunger or global warming. Fear is a great motivator for someone who has no proof or evidence something will work. Look at Al Gore and his millions he has made for tricking us into Global Warming. The government isn't saying that this "bailout plan" is going to save the economy, and the language in the bill certainly doesn't provide any evidence it will, but they are saying that if we don't get on board we will all suffer.

Not only do they say we must approve this bill, they say it must be done right now. No more thinking about it. No more scrutinizing over the silliness of the bill's contents. Don't change the amount of money needed to stop STDs. Do it as is and do it right now. This sounds like the $700 Billion dollar bailout. It was imperative that we got it done right away, so the government said. The people said, "No" and our leaders said, "You little people are too stupid to know what is best for yourselves." The emergency bill was approved. They did nothing with the money for a couple weeks and then when it got going, they realized their plan was a failure (didn't have the intended results). So if rushing a bill for an exorbitant amount of money wasn't a good idea 3 months ago, why is it a good idea now?

This is all an experiment. Roosevelt also had many experiments he tried. The only experiment that worked for him was going to war (WWII). We are already at war, so that won't work. The Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, had several tools to use in situations such as these. He has used them. How long would it take to recover from many banks failing? Less time then it will take us to recover from another $1 Trillion dollars of debt, so says the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. For less than $1 Trillion dollars, you can purchase all the US Banks right now. Of course then we will start taking losses from all the bad debt these Banks have. If the banks fail, another bank will buy it for pennies on the dollar. This will continue until you have weeded out all the bad banks and the strong one's will survive. If there are no strong banks, after time there will be new banks that take their place. It will have taken less time to recover from that as it will to recover from this prostitution of our principles to an overpowered Government.


Anonymous said...

I read part of this article linked above, and Obama stated the people voted for change. Is that why we are getting increased spending, more failed stimulus packages, and bigger government just like Bush gave us? It's just like the Wallflowers state in their song titled "The Difference."

"The only difference
That I see
Is you are exactly the same
As you used to be."

Anonymous said...

Check this out. This is quite interesting. This is about England's Gun ban law failure. Since the ban there has been an increase of 40% for armed crimes.